I put check-out cards in all my books & scotch-taped pretend bar codes to the backs of them. I read the books to all my stuffed animals, and even remembered to show them all the pictures. (Y'know... like your kindergarten teacher used to do.)
I love books. I love reading. I love spelling & grammar. I'm a word nerd to the extreme. I even remember getting in trouble for reading ahead in school. (Yes, really. In trouble... for reading?)
Then I grew up and had kids of my own to whom I read countless books. From Dr. Seuss to the Berenstain Bears to Shel Silverstein.
My philosophy is: If you can read, you can learn anything.

I didn't write the words, but I got to see them sooner than most. And punctuate them. And spell-check them. And put them in cool-looking fonts.
But none of that matters as much as what the words said. What they were about. GRACE... on tap. Flowing freely from God to me, because of Jesus. Grace that I didn't earn or achieve. Grace that gives me access to my Creator and all the benefits of being a royal daughter of the King of Kings. Grace that I want to give away to other people simply because it profoundly changed me.
At one point, sitting at my kitchen table reading through a rough draft, it hit me all over again: What my Savior did for me on the cross. I got a huge lump in my throat and tears rolled down my cheeks. Emotion overload. Gratitude. Humility. Joy.
Wow, Jesus. You actually thought I was worth all that?
Thank you, Pastor Eric Dykstra, for writing the words that I know will change lives. Thank you for the way you explained grace so simply and beautifully in this, your first book. Thank you for the way you teach grace through not only your sermons, but exemplifying grace by the way you live. Thanks for following God's lead when He called you to this. And thanks for allowing me to be a small part of what God is going to do next with Grace On Tap!
Check out Grace On Tap on Facebook to learn more about the book!
Check out The Crossing Church on September 7 & 8 for the coinciding teaching series! Each first-time family will receive a free copy of Grace On Tap.