These are the words that we use to describe anyone who should think about attending Crossing Recovery. Anyone is welcome! Anyone with hurts, habits, or hang-ups! YAY!
But then I really started thinking about that word: HURTS. What does it mean?
Does it hurt when you stub your toe? Yes.
Does that pain last a long time? Not so much.
When we talk about hurts at CR, we're talking about more than: "I fell off my tricycle and skinned my knee. Can you please give me a band-aid?". We are talking about hurts that last a long time. Hurts that some people have never talked about with ANYONE before.
In the five years since CR was launched, I have heard stories of hurt that would make your worst nightmare look like a circus in a candy shop on a unicorn. (Sorry, couldn't think of a good analogy to put here...)
Stories like:
· I lost my job, so I seek solace in the bottom of a bottle.
· I lost custody of my kids because of my meth addiction.
· My husband pushed me down a flight of stairs because I said something that pissed him off.
· I’m facing jail time because of another DWI or a possession charge.
· I was just diagnosed with diabetes, or cancer, or heart disease as a direct result of overeating.
· I am losing my house because I gambled all my money away.
· I was so engrossed looking at internet porn trying to find love & connection with people that I have lost every person who cared about me in real life.
· I’m getting divorced because my spouse can’t stand for one more minute to be married to the person I have become.
· I’ve been abused, molested, raped, and thrown away.
And it doesn't end there....BUT! I've also heard incredible stories of redemption, life change, hope & freedom! And they all come from people who have decided to follow Jesus. HE HEALS THE HURT!
Think about that word again: HURT. Let it sink in.
If you know someone -- or if you are someone -- who needs a way out of the hurt, I urge you to check out a CR meeting sometime! Give it a shot! What can it hurt?
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